With so many web hosts to choose from it can be hard to know who to trust. Websiteroof is a new born Canadian web hosting company that has built a solid reputation in reliability, technical expertise, security and award-winning customer support. We strive to create an easy to use and reliable experience for our clients. The success of Websiteroof is driven by it's customer sati...
Some one said employees are mirror of organization. Mohammed Sabbah is the impression of the corporation. Since beginning of communication of moving my portfolio to Websiteroof he has never said no to any of my request. He has resolved all my issues and given his valuable time to take my computer and set up windows mail and also resolved problem of one widget missing of my wordpress website . I believe I am now right hosting company for my website, domain and email hosting. I can say to any one who would like offer job to websiteroof will never disappoint. Even Terek who said is partner of the corporation given 100% support to me and given guarantee that I will get what I want. He himself called me twice to confirm all went well during migration and set up.
I have been using websiteroof services for the past two years. I love their support team. and their prices are very competitive , i have used other hosting companies before but was not too happy . there is always hidden fees and also you have to buy extra services. with website roof i am very happy and highly recommend them .
I have been using websiteroof for over a year. and I have not any kind of problem they are reliable and great technical support. I am so happy with this service.
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