We offer competitive prices, stable and secure servers, and most importantly personalized customer service. We don't outsource tech support nor we copy-paste canned responses; we have real humans responding to customer questions and concerns and we strive to solve every case as efficiently as possible.
It's come to our attention that IOFort has ceased operations. The landscape of service providers is ever-changing, and we aim to keep you informed. To ensure you find a reliable alternative, we invite you to visit our homepage showcasing our top 10 providers.
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1 Best Overall
ضمان استرداد الأموال لمدة 30 يومًا بدون مخاطر
استضافة الويب الكاملة مع الدعم التقني على مدار الساعة 24/7/365
SSL مجاني، ترحيل مجاني، مثبت نص تلقائي، تثبيت ووردبريس بنقرة واحدة ونسخ احتياطي تلقائي
Iofort.com services are not reliable as site went down for more than 4 days and faced losses due to that. No prior communication received from iofort for their site being down.
IOFORT.com Stole Sensitive Personal and Company Data from its Website Hosting Customers
Hi, We are an Australia based customer who had hosted two of our websites at iofort.com 3+ years ago.
Our company has paid every invoice of iofort.com and iofort has suspended our hosting accounts without letting us to take the full backup. We had asked them several times via tickets to give us the full backup but they did not reply regarding the same.
As our data is still in IOFORT's possession, we have started an awareness campaign to tell customers all over the world about iofort's bullying practices. In view of our business loss and the massive anxiety caused by IOFORT's despicable behavior, we have decided to initiate a social awareness campaign and make larger global community of web hosting customers about your malicious business practices. Here is the first news article published today explaining our experience while dealing with IOFORT team.
IOFORT.com Stole Sensitive Personal and Company Data from its Website Hosting Customers https://www.innovationwarrior.com/iofort-stole-sensitive-data-from-customers/ We have incurred business losses; and we will not like any other business like us to experience the same.
This client was terminated due to multiple breaches of our terms of service.
This client was hosting phishing pages, spamming our support system, abusing our support staff and sending legal threats. This client even claimed a lawsuit is coming our way because they lost "millions of dollars" because their $90/year hosting account was suspended.
This client is spreading false information and defamatory claims. We do not owe this client anything.
We have never ever abused the IOFORT operators or agents and that's why we believe we were together for last 3 years. We asked them again and again how we can check and investigate that issue as we have been 3+ years customers of IOFORT and had never done any such activity, that ticket they have never responded. We asked them to let us check, they did not respond at all and blocked our front end as well as backend access of sites.
And after few hours they replied just one ticket saying Don’t SPAM OUR SYSTEM BY SENDING SO MANY TICKETS, THIS IS THE LAST RESPONSE YOU ARE GETTING FROM US. Nowhere in that ticket they mentioned how can we look into phishing issue, or if IOFORT will help us to fix it or will they investigate it because of their server change and any of their faults it has happened or how can we take full backups of ours sites. None of them were ever answered by IOFORT. They could have said they are looking into it and will let us know in 1-2 days. No replies received. Our tickets got closed unanswered.
They are trying to justify their actions and still trying to threaten if we go ahead with awareness campaigns, "IT WON'T AFFECT THEM AS THEY HAVE MANY CUSTOMERS". But we are sure the customers should be well aware of their truth and false practices.
They had terminated our 2 accounts which they found phishing files in only one of the accounts, how can they terminate both the accounts, that too without giving us any prior notice to move our data to another place or allow us to take our backups.
-> IOFORT has to provide explanation for their actions. As per their terms they can stop hosting our content but can’t keep our backups to themselves which they had not returned it till date.
Again, full of misinformation and lies. This client was terminated due to terms of service violations, plain and simple. We do not owe this client anything. Further, this client is spamming 1-star reviews under multiple fake identities. Says a lot about this one person and how they are a toxic client.
Iofort is trying to hide its bad deeds. They did not treat us fairly, did not allow us to look into the issue that they mentioned, and terminated our accounts without letting us take our backups.
They can’t keep/delete customer’s backup without informing the customer.
Great service, appreciate the price lock - no price increase
1 year in and I'm still a happy camper. While other hosters have bumped up their monthly fees by a lot, IOFort honored the pricing I agreed to when I signed up. They told me my service fee is locked so I will never be affected by any price increase in the future. Highly appreciate this gesture and of course the excellent service!
iofort support better than other big names in hosting
moved 5 domains from hostgator to iofort after getting fed up with hostgator support. iofort support has been phenomenal and the only reason i did not give them a perfect 10 is the lack of more powerful hosting for future upgrades. if they start offering more hosting options i would give them a 10/10.
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يتم استلام تعويض نقدي من الشركات التي نقوم بتقييمها. تعويض الخدمات والمنتجات ليس له تأثير على توجه أو استنتاجات تقييماتنا. ولا تؤثر هذه التعويضات على ترتيبنا لشركات استضافة المواقع المحددة. تغطي هذه التعويضات تكاليف الإنفاق على المراجعين، شراء الحسابات، والاختبار.