Max Ostryzhko
Max Ostryzhko

Max Ostryzhko

كبير مطور مواقع، والمدير التقني لـ HostAdvice
Max is a 27 year old writer, hosting expert and programmer from Ukraine. His passions are varied and as well as a love for coding and fine art, Max also adores music, regularly writing his own and playing what he has written on his bass guitar.

Max is a 26 year old writer, hosting expert and programmer from Eastern Ukraine. His passions are varied and as well as a love for coding and fine art, Max also adores music, regularly writing his own and playing what he has written on his bass guitar.

Max almost finished his studies at the world famous Kharkov Polytechnic Institute, but he was expelled (a la Bill Gates) during his last year because he started working and got married.

When he is not playing the guiltier or writing his own music, Max loves to develop and code websites. He has 5 years of experience in web development and 3 years ago he founded his own company called Rock Stars Team.a

Last year Max became interested in hosting and decided to move in that direction, expanding his knowledge of all forms of web hosting and increasing his rapidly expanding CV.

Max is a hard worker, but when he is at home he finds time to be with his beautiful wife and 2 very intelligent and curious children.

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يقدم مراجعات وتقييمات احترافية بخدمات استضافة مواقع الانترنت مستقلة تماما عن أي جهة أو كيان آخر. تقييماتنا عادلة وأمينة وتطبق نفس معايير التقييم على كل المراجعات التي تتم.

يتم استلام تعويض نقدي من الشركات التي نقوم بتقييمها. تعويض الخدمات والمنتجات ليس له تأثير على توجه أو استنتاجات تقييماتنا. ولا تؤثر هذه التعويضات على ترتيبنا لشركات استضافة المواقع المحددة.
تغطي هذه التعويضات تكاليف الإنفاق على المراجعين، شراء الحسابات، والاختبار.

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